Nearly everyone we have worked with has had to overcome some mindset issues around food.
If you’ve ever experienced guilt around food, this message is for you.
I understand. I see people all the time beat themselves up for eating that piece of cake or for eating junk food all weekend. Judging themselves and their inability to make the “right choices” 100% of the time.
But I’m here today to tell you that it does you no good for several reasons:
- You can’t undo what you’ve just eaten anyway
- Shame and guilt make you actually feel worse, which can increase cravings, and create a negative spiral in your eating habits
- Beating yourself up increases stress hormones, which store body fat and increase cravings
- You can create chronic stress or even eating disorders when you place guilt and shame around food
Here’s the thing – make choices based on your goals, how you want to feel after eating, and how healthful you desire to be.
When you get off track (as we all do), move on. No guilt. No blaming or shaming. No negative self-talk. You can change your trajectory with the very next meal.
Yours in Health,
~ Juan