250 – 16 RENAULT CRESCENT, ST.ALBERT, AB  T8N 4B8  |  780.459.6684




GREG PAGDATO, Fitness Professional, Lead Trainer


Greg has a passion for personal training, but most importantly he’s always had a passion for giving back and helping others. He’s dedicated to guiding members through their journey and helping them achieving their fitness goals and even surpass them.

Greg has an extensive background in exercise programming for both physiotherapy patients and older adults giving him experience in working with all fitness levels and abilities.

His philosophy is that through hard work, dedication, and belief in yourself nothing is unattainable. He believes there’s an athlete in all of us and we are capable of conquering any obstacles in our way if we want it badly enough and put are minds to it – and he wants to help you do just that.

It is the amazing people he has the honor to work with here at Movimento, and their stories, that inspire Greg to continue to motivate, support and be at his best every step of the way for each member. Greg looks forward to going on this amazing journey with you and attaining your fitness greatness!

VERONIKA KUZELOVA, Fitness Professional


From playing hockey on the Women’s National Team in the Czech Republic, to winning medals for Nait Ooks Hockey team, Veronika has a vast background in fitness, personal training, and nutrition. 

When she’s not in the arena playing ball hockey, she is at Movimento crafting personalized exercise programs and nutrition plans to combat chronic disease and pain prevention for our members.

“I want to be the go-to expert when it comes to balanced nutrition and physical activity so I can help our members cut through all the clutter and become the healthiest version of themselves” ~ Veronika

MADI DAVISON, Fitness Professional, Lead Trainer


After years of training in the dance studio from an early age, Madi became interested in learning everything about movement and human anatomy. Her passion led her to graduating from the University of Calgary with a Bachelors in Kinesiology. She is now an amazing asset to our team here at Movimento as a Fitness Professional focusing on injury prevention and programming, and connecting with our awesome members!

“Being able to pass on valuable knowledge about mental and physical health to our members is so important to me” ~ Madi

KELSEY TANGJERD, Fitness Professional


Kelsey is an Alumni of the University of Alberta Pandas Hockey team. Throughout her time as an athlete, she had the opportunity to train in various strength and conditioning environments and understand, not only the critical role it plays in physical performance, but also the confidence and feeling of wellbeing it can provide.

Kelsey loves being able to share her passion for fitness and help others discover the joy of movement and strength while guiding them towards their personal goals. She also enjoys connecting with and motivating others.

JOSEE TWERDOSKI, Fitness Professional


Josee grew up being heavily involved in athletics, from playing all school sports, to coaching the younger grades as well. Josee loved being able to help others find their passion for fitness like she had and when she found the NAIT Personal Training Program and knew it was something she wanted to pursue.

Josee has worked with a wide range of clientele but has found the most reward working with the general population, the ones that have children and grand children to chase around the park, where fitness becomes the difference in their day to day activities. Josee is very excited to be part of our team and make everyones day a little brighter!

MARAE WALDRON, Fitness Professional


As a former competitive swimmer, Marae has spent much time in the pool and weight room. She knows how important physical fitness is to someone’s overall well-being.

 “I am honored to have the opportunity to walk alongside you as you achieve your goals, whether that be building strength, recovering from injuries, or starting to be active again. I have experience training individuals and creating custom workout programs and I am passionate about helping people feel stronger and healthier. I’m glad you are here!”

CAMERON MAH, Fitness Professional


Cameron is a passionate fitness enthusiast who grew up playing a variety of sports including football and rugby which led to a deep appreciation for personal training and the gym environment.

While athletics was a huge part of his life he found the most passion towards promoting fitness and healthy living to all populations. Now a part of the Movimento team he is excited to continue promoting active lifestyles and to help Movimento members become the best versions of themselves.

BRIANNA DAUM, Operations Manager, Lead Admin Assistant


With a passion for championing physical literacy and being a healthy role model to her friends and family, Brianna is always entwined in the fitness world. Brianna brings a range of experience in areas of customer service, administration, business development, project management and operations. A perfect marriage of her passion and experience. Brianna loves the privilege of working in a supportive, positive environment with people and helping them be the best version of themselves!

Outside of work she can be found making memories with her husband and 3 daughters. 

“Movement is life” ~ Brianna

ANA DEMCHUK, Admin Assistant


Working at Movimento has been inspiring for Ana, learning not only about the administration side of the business, but also about the science behind the human movement, strengthening and guiding people on their path to fitness.

People come to Movimento to strengthen not only their body but also their commitment, motivation and self-confidence. Ana loves seeing the photos and success stories of our clients displayed on the walls of our studio, she feels very connected to them at that moment: like she is a part of someone’s journey to be healthier, stronger.

Aside from being a part of the Movimento team, Ana is a mom, a wife, a language enthusiast (with 4 languages under her belt) and a cat lover (caring for 2 furballs of her own and fostering the 3rd).

And like they say: change is just a decision away. Welcome to Movimento!

GINA MILES, Admin Assistant


Two of Gina’s favourite things to do are helping people and organizing things, so this was the perfect job
for her! She prides herself in her ability to work in the background in a way that enables the people
around her to do whatever they are doing to the best of their ability, and she absolutely loves the
community & positive environment here at Movimento. Over the last year, she’s learned from personal
experience just how empowering it can be to choose to focus on what you can do instead of what you
can’t and to take an active role in your own health & fitness, so she really enjoys being surrounded by so
many people here who are constantly inspiring her by making a choice to do just that.

Outside of work she likes to call herself the “CEO of Home Operations” and loves getting to spend time
with her husband and two kids. Her interests are quite varied and include playing disc golf, cross-
stitching, making her kids roll their eyes at her, and playing video games.

CHRISTIE SEIDA, Admin Assistant


Christie was very active in sports growing up and loves camping and being outdoors. As an adult those passions turned to trail running, half-marathons, mountain biking, having fun with their 3 daughters and saying yes to new adventures! 

This season of her life has her cheering on her 3 teens/young adults in their various sports and academic achievements. She is trained as an RN and has experience as a Fitness Ambassador for a women’s fitness group making her passionate about encouraging others in their health and fitness journeys. 

Christie has come to join us at Movimento because she is determined to age gracefully and is passionate about assisting and encouraging those around her to do the same. You will see her smiling face at the front desk ready to welcome you and cheer you on to reach your goals!

“It is such a joy to work in this positive, encouraging environment and see the pride and sense of accomplishment when members complete their daily workouts, ready to go tackle the rest of their day.” Christie



Born and raised in Edmonton, Kim grew up being active having danced competitively for 17 years. However, as she got older inactivity began to set in and lingering back issues from scoliosis and a car accident left her with pain and discomfort. Like so many of our members when they first get started, Kim was no stranger to feeling completely intimidated by typical gyms with absolutely no idea what to do or how to use most fitness equipment.

Husband and wife team, Juan and Kim, had a vision to bring Movimento Fitness to life and wanted to create a place where people could come to get all of the benefits of strength training and conditioning without feeling intimidated. 

Kim works on the business & marketing side of Movimento and is dedicated to consistently growing and improving all aspects of our member experience.

While external transformation is the reason many people begin, it is the powerful internal transformations – the boosted confidence, the personal growth, the happiness, and the improved quality of life – that inspire Kim and Juan to continue to build Movimento into an industry leading personal training studio that can support your fitness journey for years to come.




I dedicate my Bio to my hero, my beautiful mom who passed away on October 3rd, 2021, the hardest day of my life. 

Watching my mom battle over the years with pulmonary hypertension, diabetes, and a liver disease was heartbreaking. The memories that continue to play in my thoughts are the amount of pills she had to take in order to feel capable. I would often find myself in tears after helping her organize her pills for the week because I knew the outcome was not a positive one. To this day, I still think about how horrible she felt, not only from her sickness in the first place, but also from the side effects caused by all those meds.

As I now reflect, the lesson that her experience has taught me is that:

First, our medical system does not have all the answers. Treatments are there once you are sick but there is not enough support for people to learn how to optimize their health in the first place. So it is up to us to take control of our health.

Secondly, it is all about living a great quality of life that really matters. It is about being able to truly live, and not just exist.

I have been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years and today my passion is stronger than ever to make a difference in people’s lives through what I know best – teaching people how to become strong, capable, and independent. To be able to provide a place where people can feel comfortable at ANY age, ANY fitness level, and ANY health condition to take those first steps to improve their wellbeing and have a great quality of life today and for years to come. 

This is why Movimento was born 12 years ago and this is why we still stand here today – to create a friendly movement company with a team of individuals that truly care deeply for our members, their health, and most importantly to create serious positive change in making people’s lives better!