250 – 16 RENAULT CRESCENT, ST.ALBERT, AB  T8N 4B8  |  780.459.6684

3 Ways to Lose Body Fat That Have Nothing to do with Dieting

Even as Fitness Professionals, sometimes we feel our own heads spinning with the amount of diet plans, supplements, coaches, and offers on the market.
So, today we want to offer you 3 ways that you can drop body fat that cost nothing and don’t require the next crazy fad diet…

  1. Speak kindly to yourself. Our bodies become what we say they are. If you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re fat or out of control, your behavior will reflect those things, and ultimately, so will your body.
  2. Visualize yourself creating the body you dream of. In your mind’s eye, every single day see the version of you that you desire to become moving throughout your day, practicing the habits you want to commit to, and creating the body you want.
  3. Pay attention to your triggers. Notice the emotion, experiences, and/or people surrounding your choices for bad food or skipping exercise. Change the routine. Surround yourself with different people. Choose to assign different meaning or emotions to those trigger experiences. Changing patterns and habits change outcomes.

Creating change is never easy, and sustaining it for a lifetime is even harder.
If you incorporate these behavioral pieces into your daily routine, you will begin noticing a huge difference in yourself.