The holidays are here and that means lots of temptation, parties, food, stress…. and even more food! However, with a few tips in the back of your mind the holidays do not have to mean falling off track and you can still indulge in some of your favorites that make the holidays special!
DO Keep the Focus of Parties and Gatherings on Fun and Not Food
Holiday gatherings often end up with everyone standing around in the kitchen grazing on food all night long. Instead have some fun games or holiday activities planned to take the focus off of the food while still being able to socialize with all of your guests.
DON’T Say No to Everything
Start the holidays with this thought “I can have 10 portions of unhealthy food/drinks throughout Christmas and New Years, and that’s it”. Every time you eat a serving of an unhealthy food that counts towards your total. You don’t want to blow your whole “budget” of treat foods at one party or on one meal. This will force you to only pick your favorites to indulge in and then stick to the healthy food the rest of the time. You still get to have some of the foods/drinks you love but you won’t end up overdoing it.
DO Stick to Your Usual Eating Times
Having relatives in the house can throw off your typical pre-holiday schedule. Large late breakfasts, skipping lunch, and big dinners tend to become the norm. Instead, try to maintain your normal eating times. Eat a small healthy breakfast before everyone is up and stick to having a healthy lunch. You can still eat brunch and dinner at the family gatherings but you will eat less and maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the day.
DO Go Easy on the Sauce and Gravy
The holiday dinner basics of turkey/roast beef, vegetables, and potatoes are not bad for you… its often just the massive amounts gravy, sauces, dips, butter and salt that we top our food with. Going easy on the sauces will reduce the calorie punch of your holiday meals.
DON’T Just Sit on the Couch!
Stay physically active during the holidays. Grab your family members and get moving with fun activities like walking, taking the kids sledding, or skating.
DO Freeze Some Healthy Meals
If you are cooking some healthy meals in the next few days throw extras into the freezer. Busy holiday days often have you reaching bad food choices since they are easily accessible. Having some healthy dishes in the freezer to pop in the oven can be a waistline and time saver.
DON’T Toast the Night Away
You may be celebrating, but overindulging on alcohol can send your meal plan on a holiday. Alcohol elevates your blood sugar, contains a lot of calories, and interferes with your judgement making you much more likely to eat/overeat on foods that you would otherwise pass up.