Every year on March 8, the world takes the time out to celebrate the achievements of women in an effort to push for equality. Our members have achieved so much, both in and out of the studio, (which we are SUPER PROUD of BTW) and we want to showcase those in our community who are making moves and making positive changes!
History of the International Women’s Day
The first International Women’s Day (IWD) was celebrated officially in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland on 19 March. It was sparked by the celebrations and rallies of feminist movements asking for equality. They were fighting for many of the things we take for granted today such as the right to vote, own property, hold office, go to school, and have a bank account.
You can read more about the history of IWD here.
International Women’s Day in 2021
This year the theme for IWD is #ChooseToChallenge. We love the idea of making the choice to challenge ourselves and to challenge others. Without this kind of challenge, there can not be any positive, progressive change. The key is to keep pushing forward no matter how imperfect it may be!
We choose to challenge ourselves every day and ask how we can do better to support all of our members—especially those strong, female members of our community.

Every day we want our ladies to feel special, but today we’re shining the spotlight on a couple of amazing members who show us a new meaning of strong.
Check out what inspires and motivates our community members!

Deanne F.
- What makes you feel strong?
Feeling strong for me is more than just physical. I feel my strongest when I am busy but organized. It usually means I have a regular routine going (family, work, gym, friends, golf/recreation). I am able to make time for things that are important to me and apply myself accordingly.
- Who gives you inspiration? Why?
I find inspiration from many sources. Right now, I would say my daughter is one of the most inspiring people in my life. Watching her discover herself and embracing the little things along the way is fun to watch. It’s not without challenges, but I wish I had her composure at that age. I tend to be a bit of a sponge in that I see things and think…’Oh, that’s cool, I would like to do/have that.’ I can often blur the line between inspiration and envy. It often takes a conscious acceptance that I can turn envy into inspiration and motivation.
- What are some challenges you have for yourself this year?
Like everyone else, this year has been tough. Watching my daughter miss out on some of what should have been the biggest moments in her life has been terrible. Her 18th birthday happened on the day of the lockdown start (hard to believe it’s been almost a year). We had trips planned, her grad, her first international competition, her first year of university, and the list goes on. Balancing my own feelings around Covid-19 to ensure my anxiety around safety isn’t transferred was a challenge. Not being able to see my mom in Newfoundland for almost a year and a half now is also difficult. Losing that “routine” where I thrive has remained a challenge and there are days that impact me more than others. I am really hopeful we are on the road to normalcy and things can gradually get back to normal, even if it’s a new normal. Plus golf is only a few months away!
- What is something you’re proud of?
This is a tough one for me. I don’t typically like to self-promote. I guess I am proud that I continue to find ways to support my daughter. This may sound like a bit of a cop-out, but one of my main goals in life is to remain connected to my daughter in ways that are meaningful to both of us. I could obsess about everything she does and micromanage her life, but I would rather find balance and have her seek me out for advice and support rather than inserting myself into her life without her wanting/asking for it. I have been able to find ways to advocate and support her without being “that mom.” It isn’t always sunshine and roses, but I am proud of the relationship we have and how we support each other.
Heather J.

- What makes you feel strong?
I think feeling strong involves not only physical strength but also a mental mindset and positive attitude. You have to believe in yourself to achieve goals and with a positive attitude and confidence in your ability you can achieve higher levels in whatever you may choose; whether it is in your fitness level, work, or personal life. - Who gives you inspiration? Why?
People that give me inspiration are my Mom and my Grandmothers. They have taught me that hard work pays off. Each of these women looked after themselves and gave much of their time to their family and worked hard throughout their lives to achieve great accomplishments. - What are some challenges you have for yourself this year?
Some of the challenges that I find I have to focus on this year incorporates maintaining a positive attitude and taking time out for me. Taking daily walks with my husband gives us time to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful riverside pathways we have in St.Albert. A big challenge that we are having trouble with is not being able to travel, I have had to find other ways to escape everyday stress and work through other outlets. Having family time and new adventures closer to home have made us more creative in planning vacations. We have spent time in the mountains this year which as a family we enjoy. Mountain biking in the summer and downhill skiing in the winter. The mountain air and calmness of the mountains allow for a recharge. Even though we can’t hop on a plane right now we still need those vacation days to help escape the chaos of the current pandemic. - What is something you’re proud of?
Something that I am proud of is maintaining my physical fitness over the years. I have completed 8 triathlons as a form of cross-training, to challenge my fitness level. I have also shared my love of fitness with my son; who also works hard in the gym and shares my passion for downhill skiing.
If you’re looking to become part of a community of inspirational people like our members…
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