[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So you decide (or set a New Year’s resolution) that you want to improve your health to be able to be more active with your kids, or you want to lose 20 lbs to feel more confident in your clothes, or you want be able to move with less pain and have less limitations.
Great! You’re all in… but you set the date you are going to start for sometime in the future.
~ “I will start eating healthier on Monday”
~ “I will start working out next month when things are slower at work”
If you decide you want something, what’s the point in waiting to go after it? Why not start right away? Is there a point in delaying getting the things you want?
What I’ve found, specifically spending years working in fitness, is that the delay in action is symbolic of the person’s actual belief in whether or not he or she can really accomplish the goal/desire.
And, as you may suspect, belief is everything when it comes to accomplishing goals.
As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can‘t – you‘re right.”
The thought process (whether consciously or subconsciously), goes something like this: “I’ll start at xxx future date, thereby giving myself permission to relieve myself of the stress and pressure I’m currently feeling to take action. When xxx date comes, I’ll be ready. But right now, I’m not ready to make the changes I need to make to achieve the goal because my current comfort zone is more important.”
This is not meant to be derogatory in ANY way because, believe me, I’ve gone through that thought process myself more times than I can count! And what I’ve learned is that it never, ever moves me forward. And xxx date never comes. And if it does, it’s fleeting.
People get SO caught up in the belief that they’ll take action when they’re motivated, but guess what! MOTIVATION COMES FROM CONFIDENCE WHICH COMES FROM TAKING ACTION – not the other way around! So move forward. Take a step, no matter how small, and I promise motivation to continue will come.
This year you will move yourself forward tremendously IF you TAKE ACTION as soon as you decide you want something. Regardless of whether or not you’re ready, regardless of whether or not you’re confident, and regardless of whether or not you have all the knowledge, tools, and skills to be successful in that moment. If you really want it, you’ll figure out a way. Your action will breed confidence and motivation.
New Year’s resolutions and goals are great. But alone they don’t hold any magic that will help keep you on track. Too often, I’ve found, New Year’s resolutions, become a convenient delay tactic. Don’t wait to take action.
Can you think of a time you put a goal off? Why did you put it off? Did you ever accomplish it? How many times have you given up on New Year’s Resolutions, and can you see how what I’ve talked about impacted the result?
Post a comment and let me know! Or just let me know if any of this message resonates with you!
To Your Success,
P.S. If you are looking to TAKE ACTION NOW with a program guaranteed to get results check out your Project You Challenge: https://projectyouchallenge.com/movimento This program is designed for new members and you can expect to lose an average of 8 to 12+ lbs, drop a dress size, increase your energy, boost your confidence and feel fantastic! Limited spots are available and registration is only open until January 31st! Click here: https://projectyouchallenge.com/movimento to read about what you get and to register.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]