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Sneaky Reasons You May Be Gaining Weight

Today I’m giving you the rundown on reasons why you may be gaining weight despite your best efforts.
So, let’s dive in…

  • You cut out carbs – this can cause overeating in other calorie-dense foods.
  • You’re skipping meals – it can cause you to overeat at other times of the day.
  • You’re not prioritizing strength training over cardio – this can be detrimental to long-term fat loss.
  • You’re snacking mindlessly – handfuls of this and that throughout the day add up way faster than you think.
  • You’re drinking your calories and not accounting for them.
  • Your weekends are a free-for-all with food and/or alcohol.
  • Your portions are too big – you can over-do it with healthy foods too!
  • You’re not sleeping enough.
  • You’re not managing your stress.

Any of these feel familiar?
One of the best ways to resolve all of these is to commit to a nutrition and exercise program with support, accountability, and community…
…because truly, no one creates success alone!
Movimento Fitness supports people with these exact struggles. We have your back!