250 – 16 RENAULT CRESCENT, ST.ALBERT, AB  T8N 4B8  |  780.459.6684

Vulnerability is the Path to Transformation

If we had a dollar for every time a prospective client cried during our initial conversation, we’d have a lot of money.
These amazing humans who sit down in front of us have often spent years or even decades holding in their pain.
Whether it’s their lack of self-confidence, their unhappiness with life situations, or sometimes even the fact that they’ve lost their identities somewhere along the way, we’ve talked with many deeply unhappy people.
And it’s almost like they’ve held it all in for so long that the moment we start asking questions about their goals, dreams, and past experiences, their emotions just explode.
Sadly, so many people walk around with no one asking them on a deeper level how they’re really doing. Because they’re not ‘fine’ as so many people say.
And when we finally get down to it and start to pull emotion out of them, their hearts pour onto the table through their tears.
It breaks our hearts, but it also lets us know that they’re ready.
Not only are they ready to embrace my fitness and nutrition coaching to make themselves so much more confident, energetic, and healthy, but they’re ready to vulnerable.
They’re ready to admit they need help and support.
They’re ready to prioritize themselves and tell others what their needs are because they know that they matter.
They ready to open up and be vulnerable in a whole new way.
And that is where inner and outer transformation become truly possible.
If you relate to this message let us know so we can have a conversation.
If you relate, we KNOW you. We see you. We hear you.
We can help.
We’re here when you’re ready. We’ve got you.